Past Event
CDI College Virtual Event with Fastenal
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About this event
CDI College Virtual Event with guest speaker from Fastenal Canada
Date: Tuesday, November 28
Time: 11:30am MST-12:30pm MST
Location: Microsoft Teams
Join us for a Microsoft Teams event featuring Allyana Alvarez, Regional Recruiter at Fastenal Canada in Calgary, as our guest speaker.
Allyana is a Regional Recruiter at Fastenal Canada’s Calgary branch and knows the ins and outs of the logistics industry. She knows what job seekers need to watch out for in their application process and what skills and knowledge they should bring to the table to start their careers in the industry.
Get ready for a lively and interactive discussion where our guest speaker will delve into:
• What is it like working at Fastenal
• Real-world supply chain and distribution situations
• How to enter into the logistics and supply chain industry
Gain valuable insights into Warehouse and Distribution Manager and Logistics and Supply Chain Manager professions, and take advantage of the opportunity to ask your question on the spot with our guest speaker, Allyana Alvarez, Regional Recruiter at Fastenal.
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